Friday, 5 August 2011
Societies disappearing soil
To plough or not to plough, so sad to see the soil go. Blown away on the whispers of wind or washed far from it’s source into the rivers and beyond to the oceans. No good will precious top soil do swimming about in the Indian ocean, feeding fish full of pesticides and fertilizers, and creating an even bigger disturbance in the ecology and fragile under water environments of reefs and swaying kelp gardens than on the land.
So why is the soil not staying put, not sticking to where it comes from and doing what its suppose to? Why is it being licked clean of the bed rock and ground and whirled about in the atmosphere, lost? At the moment, the earth is left gripping tentatively to the remaining percent of fertile ground on which all food for all the hungry mouths of the world need to be feed from. Strangely enough at the same time, society is left clinging hopelessly to the last remaining moral fibres that maintain a degree of peace on our hurly burly planet, however these too seem to be whirling about on the wind. Presently practices of commericial farming such as mould board ploughing and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are rapidly decreasing that fertile percentage and coupled with societies obscene addiction to consumerism, how will all those hungry mouths be fed and how will society sustain itself?
Its criminal really, because behind the glossy magazine advertisments and the world wide campaignes of humanity, the feeding of the people of the earth has been taken over by money hungry corporates and not agricultural intellectuals. Is it a surprise then, when I suggest that the quality of food being produced is hardly a scratch on the amounts being consumed. Quality can not be made up by quantity, and the quality of your produce is directly related to your soil, to the earth your crops are growing on. Taking it a step further we observe that we often think of food as mearly fuel to feed our physical bodies with, but often neglect to realize the effects of certain foods on our mental and energetic faculties and how the old saying of ‘you are what you eat’ has strong scientific holdings.
When we eat something, it breaks down and becomes assimilated into our bodies, effecting all our organs, cells and life fluids. The matter breaks down but the chemical compositions stay as is and are absorbed into our beings. This means that if you eat something that has been fattened with hormones, treated with pesticides or herbisides, or injected with anti-biotics you too will absorb these compounds… Knowing this, is it still a surprise that thousands apon thousands of humans are affected by the same ailments that the foods they are consuming are being treated for? Not only does such foods contain chemically destructive compounds but energetically carry the negative vibrations of the conditions it was grown or farmed in. It is in a similar way saying what goes around comes around, and if you are comfortable supporting mass feedlots, animal cruelty and the pilage of the earth, you will start to attract those very things unto yourself.
The vitamins in organic plants not only maintain the health of the body but, they neutralizing the highly reactive and electrically charged molecules known as free oxygen radicals, which are potentially active disease fighters as well. Free radicals are produced by air pollution, radiation, ozone, tabacco smoke, pesticides, animal and dairy fats and by normal body metabolism. They can reprogramme genes, and have been implicated in more than 60 diseases, including cataracts, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Because they have lost an electron, free radicals have a powerful tendency to bond to other molecules, including genetic material, resulting in an alteration of a cell’s genetic code. That’s the science and simply without all the scary words it’s saying, you are what you eat!
This is not meant to scare you, it’s to wake you up, to make you realize that your diseases, your ailments are all of your choosing. And in realizing this you will also realize that you have the power to change what you eat, and heal yourself and your family completely. To do this we have to go back to the beginning, and the beginning is the soil on which we stand together. The forgotten Self and Soil, the most important corner stones of any healthy functioning society. Caring for your self is not just skin deep, it is a true inner nuturing that incompases your physical, mental and spiritual self. In that care we find compassion, for ourselves, for other beings and all creatures that live on this earth. Only then can we attain harmony and balance with the natural rhythm and realize the importance of caring for the earth, ourselves and each other. First Slow down.
The way society has lost its structure is very alike the disappearing soil structure. Today it is just possible to care for your immediate nucular family, outside that isolated nucleus is a battlefield of competition and war far. We have lost our sense of community and care amongst all fellows and further intensifies our feelings of solitude and desperation. Its impossible these days to find the quality time to fullfill all aspects of family, work and recreational life, all of which would in a healthy society be shared responsibilites but now, fall solely on both or most times one of the adult figures shoulders. Life, one would say is being leeched, everyone is in a rush, getting as much out of their time as possible, and why is that a bad thing?
Well its not, but after a while such a system will collapse, it will lose it’s lustre and become a dead thing. Much can be done, but with how much care and consciousness is another question. We can look at the soil and now compare, at how the precious top soil is sapped of all its organic matter, is drowned with chemicals and pesticides and all the living organisims imperative to healthy soil are destroyed. These atrocious practices have been carried out in order to harvest maximum produce at minimal risk with as much speed as possible. In this way the quality of produce is lost, the soil is left mutilated and as with life too, the faster we seem to go, the sicker we become.
So now you know, and you know you have the choice. Support organically grown local produce. It may appear a bit more expensive now, but if you understand that the world runs on supply and demand, the more people supporting organic farming the cheaper and more accessible it will become. This is a real investment, take care of your health now, be conscious about what you consume and avoid dis-ease later.
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